
The Historical Society meets the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm 

at the West Rockhill Township Building located at 1028 Ridge Road Sellersville, Pa. 18960.

The Mission of the Historical Society is to preserve and protect the heritage and history of West Rockhill township through documentation, acquisition of artifacts and collection of oral history, thus becoming a source of local historic information for the public, that can be disseminated through the media, meetings and personal study. West Rockhill Historical Society is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit organization.

February 10 -7:00 pm at the West Rockhill Township Building located at 1028 Ridge Road Sellersville, Pa. 18960. Fries Rebellion:   The movie of John Fries, resident of West Rockhill Township (Allentown Road) and instigator of the Fries Rebellion. In anticipation of America 250 celebrations to be held nationwide in 2026, the Lower Macungie Township Historical Society has partnered with award-winning movie production companies, In the Wee Hours and ubiFire Video Productions to produce an exciting film about the Fries Rebellion, a violent insurrection that occurred in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley between 1798-99. Presented by Jay Searock 

for future programs click on 2025 speakers

Next Heritage House Museum Opening: 

 Arbor Day Celebration April 26, 2025, 12-3

Presented by Liberty Trail Girl Scouts.

 Girl Scout memorabilia and other West Rockhill artifacts on display

Heritage House Sign

Fully Renovated Main Room of the Museum

Fully Renovated Fire Place Room of the Museum

The West Rockhill Historical Society is holding its 10th annual Electronic Waste Recycling, Saturday  November 1, 2025, 9 - 2

 9:00AM -1:00PM. At the West Rockhill Township building,

1028 Ridge Road, Sellersville Pa. 


                            $10 Donation per car, no limit!

The following will be accepted WITH NO additional fee! any small or medium size items with a plug Including: computer towers, tablets, printers, keyboards, laptops, game consoles, stereos, radios, cellphones, phones, calculators, and small appliances   (toasters, blenders, food processors, dust busters.)

ADDITIOAL VENDORE DISPOSAL FEES: Computer monitors ($7), microwave ovens ($15), Flat screen Tv's ($25), Air conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Air purifiers and Mini fridges ($25), Old CRT Monitors & Tv's ($40-$80) Mini Fridges ($25)       NO BROKEN TV'S ACCEPTED.

                            HARD DRIVES WIPED CLEAN!!!         



The West Rockhill Historical Society is holding its 16th Annual Shredder Event to be held on Saturday October 11,2025  11-1 at the West Rockhill Township building.

 Safely get rid of all those papers you're afraid to put in the trash. Watch as your old bank statements, financial statements, cancelled checks and catalogs are shredded. No need to remove staples, paper clips or binder clips. All shredded material is 100% recycled.

NO cardboard, three ring binders, hard bound books, phone books or thick catalogs. $5 donation per file box.