Upcoming Activities 2024

The West Rockhill Historical Society is holding its 9th annual Electronic Waste Recycling 

Saturday 26, 2024, 

 9:00AM -1:00PM. At the West Rockhill Township building, 1028 Ridge Road, Sellersville Pa. 


                            $10 Donation per car, no limit!

The following will be accepted WITH NO additional fee! any small or medium size items with a plug Including: computer towers, tablets, printers, keyboards, laptops, game consoles, stereos, radios, cellphones, phones, calculators, and small appliances   (toasters, blenders, food processors, dust busters.)

ADDITIOAL VENDORE DISPOSAL FEES: Computer monitors ($70, microwave ovens ($15), Flat screen Tv's ($25), Air conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Air purifiers and Mini fridges ($25), Old CRT Monitors & Tv's ($40-$80). NO BROKEN TV'S ACCEPTED.




The West Rockhill Historical Society is holding its14th Annual Shredder Event on Saturday October 14, 2024, from 11-1 to be held at the West Rockhill Township building. Safely get rid of all those papers you're afraid to put in the trash. Watch as your old bank statements, financial statements, cancelled checks and catalogs are shredded. No need to remove staples, paper clips or binder clips. All shredded material is 100% recycled.

NO cardboard, three ring binders,hard bound books, phone books or thick catalogs.

$5 donation per file box. Proceeds go to the Historical Society

Past Activities

Do you want to learn more about West Rockhill? Buy Images of America: "East and West Rockhill Townships" or our published cookbook " A Taste Of Rockhill History"


We will be at September Fest on September 25th 12-5 in James Memorial Park... The Heritage House will be open for tours, there will be an Estate Sale.  See you there!!!!!

14th Annual Shredder Event at the West Rockhill Township building on October 25, 11-1

9th Annual Recycling Event at the West Rockhill Township building on October 14, 9-1


Past Activities

John Gallery Community Action Award

 On June 6th Brenda Phelan, President of West Rockhill Historical Society along with Petrona Charles Vice - President ( pictured above) and David Kimmerly from Mid- Atlantic Historic Preservation traveled to Philadelphia to the Preservation Alliance of Greater Philadelphia awards ceremony to receive the John Gallery Community Action Award for the historical societies work on getting the first property in West Rockhill on The National Register of Historic Places. The society worked over several years to accomplish this task. Charter member Jill Cardell started and worked for over a year on the application for Highland Park, unfortunately we lost Jill to cancer. Jill's absence  was a great loss to the society and we did not pick up the project again for a number of years, until long time member and Corresponding Secretary Eleanora Gruber stated " This is an important historical project and we should complete it in Jill"s honor" And, as a Society we rose to the occasion, we put together a committee and worked diligently on this project, we realized we needed to have help on the last leg of this journey so we turned to  David Kimmerly of Mid-Atlantic Historic Preservation  and on April 10, 2017 Highland Park was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Historical Society celebrated it's 15th Anniversary

 At the meeting on Monday April 09, 2018 at 7:00. the historical society celebrated it's 15th anniversary..

This is the original invitation inviting the public to an informal meeting

to discuss forming committees to document local points of historic interest

and some folklore. The drawing above was done by Fred Diseroad.

Fred is a life member and served as secretary for more than a decade.

The drawing is of the James Farm located across from the West Rockhill

Township Building. Come join us March 12, at 7:00 pm at the township building to celebrate


Historical Society Christmas Party   December 11,  7:00 pm

July 10, 2017 Historical Society  Picnic

July15 Highland Park Open House 1-5

Highland Park Camp Meeting is the first property in West Rockhill  to be places on the National Registry of Historic Places.

Highland Park was eligible for the National Register for its important local example of the camp meeting movement and is a good example of the typical design and building types associated with camp meetings in the late 19th century.

It also has remarkably retained many of the characteristics of its early construction.To be listed on the National Register is an honor and a tribute to those who have lovingly maintained Highland Park for nearly 125 years.

To celebrate this achievement Highland Park hosted an open house on Saturday July 15th from 1-5 to welcoming the public and to learn about the history of the park.

The day started with a dedication of the National Register Plaque and a speech by Ed Cardell who's late wife was a charter member of the Historical Society and had started the National Register nomination process several years ago.

West Rockhill Supervisor Don Duval was also on hand to speak. The public than had an opportunity to step back in time and enter the main part of the park that has changed little in over a hundred years. Six cabins were open to the public. Each cabin had a charm uniquely its own and the owners were friendly and informative. Highland Park also has it's own small museum that is pact with many artifacts from the past. Outside the museum the West Rockhill Historical Society had a tent with two of their publications  and note cards by Fred Diesroad for sale. Next to the Museum was the ice cream stand that seemed to be the favorite stop for visitors with it's many flavors of ice cream that was very refreshing on this warm July day. Music by  A Far Green County and Harry Ostranger played in the tabernacle and throughout the park. Some of the parks other highlights that the public could visit were the picnic pavilion, dormitories, chapel in the woods, and original park entrance To close the day David Kimmerly of Mid- Atlantic Historic Preservation Service LLC gave a historic presentation of Highland Park Camp Meeting in the dinning hall with snacks, drinks and cake. The day was a great success with  attendance at 165 plus visitors to the park./ A fun day was had by all.  

Christmas Party 2017